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10 MAY 2024Dr. Ivy Wong, Associate Professor of Department of Building and Real Estate, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, on “Governing China’s Great Urban Transformation: From “Decentralization of Governance” to “Governance of Decentralization””.
26 APR 2024Dr. Huaxiong Jiang, Assistant Professor of Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, on “Smart urban governance: Governing cities in the “smart” era”.
02 FEB 2024Dr. Mengmeng Zhang, Assistant Professor of Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, on “Scalar Politics and Its Spatial Impacts: Planning for Inter-city Railways in China's Mega-city Regions”.
14 MAR 2023Professor David Meyer, Senior Lecturer in Management at Olin Business School, Washington University in St. Louis, on “China’s policies support Hong Kong as the pivot of financial networks”.
13 JAN 2023Professor Henry Yeung, Distinguished Professor at the Department of Geography, National University of Singapore, on “Explaining the Interconnected Worlds of Global Production Networks: East Asian Electronics Industry in the Post-Pandemic 2020s”.
21 SEP 2023Dr. Calvin Chung, Assistant Professor of Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, on “Theorising with urban China: Methodological and tactical experiments for a more global urban studies”.
02 MAR 2023Professor Zhu Liu, an Associate Professor and a Principle Investigator at Department of Earth System Science, Tsinghua University, on “Near-real-time Monitoring of Global Carbon Emissions”.
14 JUN 2023Dr. Song Gao, Associate Professor with tenure in Geographic Information Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, on “Development of Spatially Explicit Methods for GeoAI”.
08 FEB 2023Professor Chen Jingming, Professor at the College of Geographical Sciences, Fujian Normal University & the Department of Geography and Planning, University of Toronto, on “Development and Application of Global Carbon Assimilation System”.
17 FEB 2023Professor Trevor Barnes, Professor and Distinguished University Scholar at the Department of Geography, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, on “Tales of the quantitative revolution in Anglo-American geography: English croquet lawns and US Highway 151”.
26 OCT 2023Dr. Karita Kan, Associate Professor of Department of Applied Social Sciences, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, on “New Frontiers of Rural-Urban Transformation in China”.
01 DEC 2023Dr. Sarah Rogers, Senior Lecturer of Asia Institute, University of Melbourne, on “Critical Hydropolitics in China”.
08 APR 2022Professor David Ley, Professor Emeritus of urban and social geography at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, on “Housing Booms in Gateway Cities”.
07 OCT 2022Professor C Cindy Fan, Professor of Geography at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), on “Migration in the Global South: Householding, Gender and Intergenerational Perspectives”.
11 NOV 2022Professor Weiping Wu, Professor of Urban Planning and Director of the Urban Planning programs in the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation at Columbia University, on “China Urbanizing: Impacts and Transitions”.
20 MAY 2022Dr. Yang Xia, Senior Editor at Nature, on “Publishing Interdisciplinary Research in Nature Journals”.
07 SEP 2022Professor Hui Lin, Professor and Dean at the School of Geography and Environment at Jiangxi Normal University of China, on “From Maps to GIS and VGE: The Evolution of Geographic Language”.
02 DEC 2022Professor Rebecca Lave, Professor of Geography at Indiana University and Vice-President of the American Association of Geographers, Planning and Preservation at Columbia University, on “Critical physical geography in practice: Our depth perception improves when we combine biophysical and social lenses”.
04 MAR 2022Professor Lily Kong, President of Singapore Management University, on “ASEAN Smart Cities Network: the promises and challenges of scaling smartness”.
08 JUN 2022Professor Shunlin Liang, professor in the Department of Geographical Sciences, University of Maryland, on “Quantitative Remote Sensing and Global Environmental Change”.
15 DEC 2022Professor Rebecca Lave, Cyril & Tutta Vetter Alumni Professor and Associate Dean of the Graduate School, Louisiana State University, on “Four Methodological Themes in Computational Spatial Social Science”.
08 JUL 2022Professor Bo Huang, Professor in the Department of Geography and Resource Management at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, on “Geospatial big data for urban and environmental sustainability”.
25 FEB 2022Professor Jason Dittmer, Professor of Political Geography and Head of the Department of Geography at University College London, on “On Subterranean Geopolitics: Relational space, value, and the tunnels of Gibraltar”.
09 SEP 2022Professor Academician Chen Fahu, on “Pre-historic humans’ exploration of and adaptation to the adverse environment on Tibetan Plateau”.
10 DEC 2021Professor Michael Batty, Bartlett Professor of Planning at University College London, on “Digital Twins and Multiple Models: New Ways to Simulate and Invent the Future City”.
28 APR 2021Dr. Karen P Y Lai, Associate Professor at the Department of Geography, Durham University, on “Emerging Economic Geographies of Fintech”.
12 MAR 2021Dr. Fangzhu Zhang, Associate Professor in The Bartlett School of Planning, University College London, on “Rethinking the City and Innovation: A political economic view from China's biotech”.
03 FEB 2021Dr. Gengzhi Huang, Associate Professor of Human Geography in Sun Yat-sen University, on “A City of the Precariat: Struggles and Predicament of Dayworkers in Shenzhen, China”.
31 MAR 2021Professor Timothy O, Professor of Geography and Director of the Center for Asian Studies at the University of Colorado Boulder, on “The National New Area as an Infrastructure Space”.
26 JAN 2021Professor Xuefei Ren, professor of sociology and global urban studies at Michigan State University, on “Governing the Urban in China and India”.
21 OCT 2021Professor John Logan, Professor of Sociology at Brown University, on “The Impact of Suburbanization on Racial Segregation at a Metropolitan Scale, 1940-1970”.
05 NOV 2021Professor Fulong Wu, Bartlett Professor of Planning and a joint coordinator of China Planning Research Group at University College London, on “Beyond Growth Machines Dynamics: Rethinking State Politics in China's Urban Redevelopment”.
14 APR 2021Dr Yimin Zhao, Assistant Professor in Urban Planning and Management at Renmin University of China, on “Jiehebu Urbanism and the Translational Turn of Urban Studies”.
06 OCT 2020Mr. Liam Reeve, the University of Hong Kong (HKU) Master of Arts in China Development Studies student, on “Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investment in Financial Services”.
21-25 NOV 2019Invited presentation on “Sustaining the Growth and (Re)Developmet of Chinese Cities: State, Society and Space in China’s Great Urban Transformation” at the “2019 International Geoinformatics Week.” (Prof. George C.S. Lin)
2-3 NOV 2019Invited presentation on “‘China’s Informal Housing Market’, Urban Rural Governance and Planning in Metropolitan Areas”, organized by Tsinghua University, 2 to 3 November 2019. (Dr. Shenjing He)
28 FEB 2019Dr. Wang Xiaoyang, Visiting Scholar at Urban Theory Lab of Harvard University, on “The Global City and Beyond: Revisiting the Intellectual Trajectory”. (Organized seminar)
DEC 2019Invited as Chairperson on “International Forum on Innovation and Regional Development for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area.” (Prof. George C.S. Lin)
09 DEC 2019Professor David R Meyer, Senior Lecturer in Management at Olin Business School, Washington University in St. Louis, on “China’s financial centres contend for global leadership in the 21st century” (Organized seminar)
29-30 MAY 2019May 2019 - Invited key speaker on “Seminar of Long-term Observation Station of Urban Ecosystem & Founding Congress of National Urban Forest Innovation Alliance”, organized by National Forestry and Grassland Administration on 29 to 30 May 2019. (Dr. Wendy Chen)
21 FEB 2019Dr. Wang Xiaoyang, Visiting Scholar at Urban Theory Lab of Harvard University, on “Towards a ‘newer’ Geography: the Rise of Financial Geography” (Organized seminar)
13 DEC 2019Dr. T C Chang,Associate Professor at the Department of Geography (National University of Singapore, NUS), on “Community Art & Creative Placemaking in Singapore". (Organized seminar)
AUG 2019Invited presentation on “the Rural Renaissance and Reconstruction Movement in China: Culture-based Intervention, Post-rurality, Planetary Urbanisation” at the 2019 Royal Geographical Society –Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference in London, UK. (Dr. Junxi Qian)
12 DEC 2019Professor David R Meyer, Senior Lecturer in Management at Olin Business School, Washington University in St. Louis, on “China’s "Belt & Road” Initiative in the Context of Global Restructuring". (Organized seminar)
24 AUG 2019Invited presentation on “Making Sense of China's Enclave Urbanism Using Thick Data and Big Data”, organized by Guangzhou Geographical Science Research Institute in Guangzhou, China on 24 August 2019. (Dr. Shenjing He)
SEP 2018Invited presentation on “From Multiple Connectivity to Seamless Mobility” at the 2nd Greater Bay Area Forum in Shenzhen, China. (Dr. Roger Chan)
JUN-JUL 2018Invited presentation on “Policy Mobilities, Latecomer Advantages and Politics of Scale: the Globalizing Strategies of Small Inland Cities” at the Regional Governance, Industrial Restructuring and Sustainable Development, Regional Studies Association Global Conference in China 2018 in Beijing, China, 29 June to 1 July 2018. (Dr. Shenjing He)
JUN 2018Invited presentation on “Urban China in the Countryside? Architectural Experimentation, Rural Renaissance and Planetary Urbanization” at the Urban China Research Network Conference, organized by Wuhan University, China. (Dr. Junxi Qian)
OCT 2018Invited presentation on “Recreational potential and habitat potential of urban greening in China” at the First Sino-Canadian Urban Forest Forum in Vancouver, 4 to 6 October 2018. (Dr. Wendy Chen)
MAR 2018Invited presentation on “Urban forest and climate change” organized by the Guangdong Society of Landscape Architecture on 26 March 2018. (Dr. Wendy Chen)
OCT 2018Invited talk on “Methods of Spatial Analysis in Unpacking Religious Mobilities” at the Religion and the Belt and Road Initiative Workshop, organized by the University of Hong Kong. (Dr. Junxi Qian)
JUL 2018Invited presentation on “Urban Studies from Elsewhere”, organized by the 2018 Summer Institute in Urban Studies, National University of Singapore, 15 to 19 July 2018. (Dr. Shenjing He)
JAN 2018Prof. John Rennie Short, University of Maryland, on “Urban Resurgence: the Making of Inequality in Global Cities” on 22 January 2018. (Organized seminar)
OCT 2018Invited presentation on “Planning and Development Opportunities in Greater Bay Area” at the Greater Bay Area Symposium of the Planning and Development Division of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors. (Dr. Roger Chan)
APR 2017Professor Suisheng Zhao, Director, Center for China-US Cooperation and Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver, on “A revisionist stakeholder: The China challenge to the US-led world order under the Trump administration” on 20 April 2017. (Organized seminar)
NOV 2017Participation in the forum on “China’s Greater Bay” of the China City Planning Association Annual Conference held in Dongguan, China, co-organized by Hong Kong Institute of Planners and Macao Urban Planning Institute, 17 to 20 November 2017. (Dr. Roger Chan)
JAN 2017Invited presentation on "Beijing Olympics and China's mega-event urbanization model with preliminary comparison to India" organized by the World Bank and Indian Economic Association at the WB's Indian Head Office in New Delhi on 9 January 2017.
DEC 2017Invited presentation on “ ‘Villages of the City’: Reshaping Rurality and Rural-urban Relationship in Post-productvist Pearl River Delta, China” at the 2017 International Conference on Future Urban Development, organized by the Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School in Shenzhen, China, 15 to 17 December 2017. (Dr. Shenjing He)
SEP 2017Invited as key member to participate Cambridge Workshop - 'Emerging Geographies of Transnational Monetary Power" in Cambridge Univ. 17-18 Sept, 2017, which aims to bring researchers in International Political Economy (IPE) and Financial Geography (FG) to find new/future research direction and to bid ESRC Future Research Grant in UK.
NOV 2017Invited presentation on “Gentrification and the remaking of Chinese cities”, at the Urban Governance Reform and Innovation Forum, 2017 Annual Conference of the Urban Planning Society of China in Dongguan, China, 18 to 20 November 2017. (Dr. Shenjing He)
MAR 2017Invited presentation on "Belt and Road Initiative and China's global direct investment strategies" organized by Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences, in Kunming on 4 March 2017.
MAY 2017Invited keynote presentation of research paper entitled "Megacities, the World Largest Cities Unleashed: Major Trends and Dynamics in Contemporary Global Urban Development" published in World Development at 5th International Conference on Advances in Social Science, Management and Human Behaviour – SMHB'17 in Rome, Italy, 27-28 May.
DEC 2017Invited talk on “the Rural Renaissance and Reconstruction Movement in Contemporary China: Cultural Economy and Rural Society in an Era of Planetary Urbanisation” at the HKU-Peking University Global China Workshop: Rural sustainability, migration and urban space, organized by the University of Hong Kong. (Dr. Junxi Qian)
APR 2017Public Lecture co-organized with School of Business (HKU), Institute of China and Global Development, and International Centre for China Development Studies, given by Mr. Kurbanjan Samat, Documentary Director, on “I am from Xinjiang on the Silk Road” on 27 April 2017. (Organized public lecture)
APR 2017Invited presentation on “Provincialising the West, De-parochialising China: Some Reflections from Urban Public Spaces in China” at the Annual Meeting, American Association of Geographers in Boston, USA. (Dr. Junxi Qian)
MAY 2016Plenary presentation on “How Big is Chinese’s Real Estate Bubble and Why hasn’t it yet Burst: A Comparative Study Between China and World Major Financial Crises 1980-2014” at International Symposium on Land Policy and Housing Market, jointly organized and sponsored by the HKU SRT (China Business and Economics, and Contemporary China), Peking University – Lincoln Institute Center for Urban Development and Land Policy, Centre of Urban Studies and Planning and the ICCDS, held at the University of Hong Kong, 16-17 May 2016.
AUG 2016Invited presentation on “How Big is Chinese’s Real Estate Bubble and Why Hasn’t It Yet Burst: A Comparative Study between China and World Major Financial Crises 1980-2014” and invited panellist for the specialist session of “Placing Finance in Urban and Regional Development” sponsored by The FinGeo at the 33rd International Geographical Congress (IGC), organized by the International Geographical Union, in Beijing, China, on 21-25 August 2016.
JUN 2016Paper presentation on “Where Does the Role of Chinese Government in Land Development Stand in a Global Context: An International Comparative Study” at Institute of Australian Geographers (IAG) - Annual Conference 2016, organized by IAG and Flinders University, in Adelaide, Australia.
NOV 2016Invited keynote presentation on “Gauging the growth and decline of international financial centers over recent decades: Big trends and big factors” at the 15th conference of Industrial Clusters and Regional Development, jointlyorganized China Coordination Group for Research on Industrial Cluster and Zhejiang University, in Hangzhou, China, 19-20 November 2016.
AUG 2015Dr. Simon Zhao, Funding Director of ICCDS, presented paper on "Gauging and Understanding the Growth and Decline of Global Financial Centers over Past Decades: Big Trend and Big Factors", and invited panellist for the session of "Launch of the Global Network on Financial Geography" at the Fourth Global Conference on Economic Geography 2015, jointly organized and sponsored by the School of Geography and the Environment at University of Oxford, and HKSAR RGC TRS Project, held at University of Oxford, in Oxford, UK.
JUN 2015Dr. Simon Zhao, Director of ICCDS, Invited presentation on "Calm Before the Storm: The Future of China's Financial Institutions and Navigating Hong Kong's Challenges Ahead" at 7th International IFABS Conference Hangzhou 2015, organized by the International Finance and Banking Society (IFABS), and Zhejiang University, in Hangzhou, China. Dr. Simon Zhao, Director of ICCDS, Invited presentation on "Calm Before the Storm: The Future of China's Financial Institutions and Navigating Hong Kong's Challenges Ahead" at 7th International IFABS Conference Hangzhou 2015, organized by the International Finance and Banking Society (IFABS), and Zhejiang University, in Hangzhou, China.
MAR 2014Dr. Simon Zhao, Director of ICCDS, invited by the Department of Sociology at National Chengchi University, Taiwan, to provide public lecture on "Future of Prime World City and the Strategic Planning for Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Capital Region" and seminar for postgraduate students on "Global and China Development Overview 2012: QE, carry trade and China model of urbanization, land and financial development", in Taipei.
DEC 2014Dr. Simon Zhao, Director of ICCDS, invited keynote speak at Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao International Financial Forum 2014, "New Regional Financial Centers and the Liberalization of Service Trading", jointly organized by Phoenix Satellite Television Holdings and Heung Hong Financial Holdings, in Qianhai Shenzhen, China. News reported about the event in Chinese
MAY 2014Dr. Simon Zhao, Director of ICCDS, invited presentation on "The Future of Prime World Cities and Implication to China's New Round of Urbanization Strategy" at the Shanghai Forum 2014 "Population and Urbanization", hosted by Fudan University, in Shanghai, China.
SEP 2014Dr. Simon Zhao, Director of ICCDS, invited keynote presentation "Prospect of Processing Trade in the World, East Asia and China, and its implication to Nanning" at the 1st Guangxi-Hong Kong Cooperation Forum and 11th China-ASEAN Expo, organized by Guangxi Autonomous Region Government, in Nanning, Guangxi. News reported about the event in Chinese
NOV 2013Dr. Simon Zhao, Director of ICCDS, invited by the School of Economics and Management at Tianjin Chenjian University to provide public lecture on "Beijing-Hebei Capital Mega-city Region Strategic Planning: trends, considerations and policy choices", in Tianjin. Dr. Simon Zhao, Director of ICCDS, invited keynote speak at China Regional Economic & Growing Enterprises Forum, "Factors Critical to Design of China's urbanization: land system reforms and financial facilitation and support", jointly organized by School of Economics, and Centre for Financial Innovation and Development, Peking University, in Beijing, China.
SEP 2013Dr. Simon Zhao, Director of ICCDS, was invited by Jiangmen Municipal Government to provide keynote presentation on "New opportunities for second-time industrial upgrading and transfer in Pearl River Delta" at Seminar on the Development of Greater Guanghai Bay, jointly organized by the Jiangmen Municipal Government and Guangdong Urban & Rural Planning And Design Institute, Jiangmen, China. News reported about the event in Chinese Dr. Simon Zhao, Director of ICCDS, was invited as keynote speaker at the Symposium on Regional Population and Development in China, "Myths of China's new urbanization", jointly organized by Fudan University, and Shanghai Population Association, Shanghai. News reported about the event in Chinese
MAR 2013Invited Oxford scholar, Dr. Dariusz Wójcik, co-author with Prof. Gordon L. Clark, "The Geography of Finance", to provide public lecture on Capitalist Tools in Socialist Hands? China Mobile in the Global Financial Network. The lecture was jointly organized by HKU ICCDS, Centre for China Financial Research and Asian Institute of International Financial Law, at the University of Hong Kong, and funded by Theme-based Research Scheme Project on Enhancing Hong Kong's Future as a Leading International Financial Centre.
FEB 2013Dr. Simon Zhao, Director of ICCDS, was interviewed by NHK World 日本放送協會 on Feb 2, 2013, on "China Labour Issues: China's population bonus and manufacturing competitiveness"
AUG 2013Dr. Simon Zhao, Director of ICCDS, was invited to deliver a consultation talk on Strategic Development Planning for Zhuhai – Hengqin: Financial Industry and Financial Sub-centre Development, project hosted by Zhuhai-Hengqin Municipal Government. This talk was attended by the Mayor of Zhuhai municipal government and Party Chief of Hengqin New Zone. Dr. Simon Zhao, Director of ICCDS, was interviewed and aired by Swedish Radio on August 21st, 2013, on "China's macro-economic cycles and possibility for financial hard landings" Dr. Simon Zhao, Director of ICCDS, was interviewed and aired by 上海第一財經電視 on August 3, 2013, on "PRD labour cost and manufacturing returning to HK" Dr. Simon Zhao, Director of ICCDS, was interviewed and aired by China Radio International on August 1, 2013, on "Urbanisation in China"
APR 2012Former Dutch Minister of Justice Visit: Requested by the Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Hong Kong for a closed-door meeting with former Dutch Minister of Justice, Prof. Ernst Hirsch Ballin, and Consul-General, Mr. Robert Schuddeboom, hosted by the Centre, on Migration and Urbanization Process in the Context of Human and Citizen Rights in China
MAY 2012Director, Dr. Simon Zhao, as a core Co-Principal Investigator, has successfully won the grant of $15 million HKD of the second round of Theme-based Research Scheme (TRS) funded by the Research Grants Committee (RGC) and the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The grant winning project entitles "Enhancing Hong Kong's Future as a Leading International Financial Centre" and it is the second largest grant in all social sciences, including social sciences, arts and humanities, law and business, in Hong Kong history. The TRS objective is to encourage the prominent scholars to conduct cross-disciplinary and inter-university cooperative researches on themes of strategic importance to the long-term development of Hong Kong. It is the highest level and most competitive grant in Hong Kong as it went through HK-wide 46 preliminary proposals and 17 full proposals and reached the last 12 proposals shortlisted for final selection interviews and only 5 (the sole proposal in Social Science subjects) out of 12 finalists were funded.
DEC 2012Dr. Simon Zhao, Director of International Centre for China Development Studies, was invited by Ministry of Sports of Brazilian Government to present a talk on "Beijing Olympics – Impact on Economic and Urban Development" at the International Workshop "The BRICS and Sports Mega-Events" organized by BRICS Policy Center, a Brazilian Government Thank Tank, in 7th-9th Dec 2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
JUL 2012Director, Dr. Simon Zhao, as a core Co-Principal Investigator, has successfully won the grant of $15 million HKD of the second round of Theme-based Research Scheme (TRS) funded by the Research Grants Committee (RGC) and the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The grant winning project entitles "Enhancing Hong Kong's Future as a Leading International Financial Centre" and it is the second largest grant in all social sciences, including social sciences, arts and humanities, law and business, in Hong Kong history. The TRS objective is to encourage the prominent scholars to conduct cross-disciplinary and inter-university cooperative researches on themes of strategic importance to the long-term development of Hong Kong. It is the highest level and most competitive grant in Hong Kong as it went through HK-wide 46 preliminary proposals and 17 full proposals and reached the last 12 proposals shortlisted for final selection interviews and only 5 (the sole proposal in Social Science subjects) out of 12 finalists were funded.
MAR 2012Invited Oxford scholar, Dr. Dariusz Wójcik, co-author with Prof. Gordon L. Clark, "The Geography of Finance", to provide public lecture on The Global Stock Market: Issuers, Investors, and Intermediaries in an Uneven World. The lecture was jointly organized by HKU ICCDS, Centre for China Financial Research and Asian Institute of International Financial Law, at the University of Hong Kong, and funded by HKU seed funding for proposal for Theme-based Research Scheme.
JUL 2011Paper Presentation on "The nature of IFC studies and Hong Kong endeavors – Studies for global IFC development and their shifting trend" in Third Global Conference on Economic Geography 2011, organized by Institute of Space & Economy, Seoul National University and the Economic Geographical Society of Korea, in Seoul, South Korea.
APR 2011Public Forum on China's Spatial Strategic Planning and Development in the National 12th Five-year Plan, jointly organized by ICCDS, HKU Strategic Research Theme on Contemporary China Studies, Department of Geography, at the University of Hong Kong. Totaling more than 30 renowned professors and scholars from the Mainland had visited our HKU and presented speeches on the public forum.
DEC 2011Invited to speak at seminar on "Prime World Cities and Strategic Planning Issues for Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Capital Region Development" at Tianjin Urban Planning & Design Institute, Tianjin.
JAN 2011Invited presentation on "The Prospect and Opportunity of Qianhai Modern Service Industries Cooperation Zone for Hong Kong" in Qianhai Development Forum, jointly organized by the Shenzhen Special Zone Daily and Hong Kong Commercial Daily, in Hong Kong.
OCT 2011Invited to speak at seminar on "The Future of Prime World Cities and Strategic Planning Issues for Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Capital Region Development" at China Academy of Urban Planning & Design, Beijing. This was especially for officials and planners from Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei Province governments.
JUN 2011Director, Dr. Simon Zhao, was Project Coordinator for the proposal of "Enhancing Hong Kong's Future as a Leading International Financial Centre (IFC)" in the final selection interview of Theme-based Research Scheme – First Round, hosted by Research Grants Committee, Hong Kong.
APR 2011Invited Presentation on "Competitions of Global Financial Centres: Determinants and the Rise of Financial Centres in China and Hong Kong" in China Studies Research Seminar Series, organized by the HKU Strategic Research Theme, at the University of Hong Kong.
DEC 2011Invited to speak at seminar on "Prime World Cities and Strategic Planning Issues for Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Capital Region Development" at Tianjin Urban Planning & Design Institute, Tianjin.
APR 2011Paper Presentation on "Producer Services Industries in Hong Kong and Shenzhen: Integration or Territorization" in Workshop on China's Changing Regional Development: Trends, Strategies and Challenges in the 12th Five Year Plan Period, jointly organized by ICCDS, the Department of Politics and Public Administration and Strategic Research Theme on Contemporary China Studies, at the University of Hong Kong.
NOV 2010Academic Conference on Digital Metropolitan Construction and Management Studies, co-organized by ICCDS and Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, CUHK and other three research institutes at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
MAY 2010Invited presentation on "Competitions of Financial Centers: Global Experience and the rise of financial centers in China" in the University Lecture Series at the Oxford University.
APR 2010Chaired and organized session "China's National Strategic Planning and Urban-regional Sustainable Development in the 12th Five-year Plan and Beyond" and presented a paper on "Competitions of Global Financial Centres: New York, London, and Hong Kong" in Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting in Washington, USA.
MAY 2010Keynote presentation on "The rise of Chinese Financial Centres: Competition and Cooperation among Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen and Hong Kong" in the section of "Financial Centres - Rising the 'Eastern Stars'", Regional Studies Association Annual International Conference 2010, in Pécs, Hungary.
JUL 2010Invited Guest Speaker for "Mode of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Cooperation: joint development of Innovation Park in Lok Ma Chau Loop" in Hong Kong-Shenzhen Cooperation Conference, jointly organized by Central Policy Unit of the Hong Kong Government and the Municipal Government of Shenzhen, in Hong Kong Government Secretariat.
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