Dr. Simon X. B. Zhao, Director
Zhao, X.B., Chan, T.W., (forthcoming) “Producer Services Industries in Hong Kong and Shenzhen: Integration or Territorization”, accepted for a special issue in Asian Pacific Viewpoint (Oxford, U.K.: Blackwell Publishers).
Ramón-Berjano, C.B., Zhao, X.B. and Chan, Y.M. (2011) “Hong Kong’s Transformation into a Service Hub: Regional Development within ‘One Country Two Systems’”, Asian Survey, 51:4, 584-609 (Sage: London).
Zhao, X. B. and Chan, Y. M. (2011) “Development of Qianhai Modern Service Industry Zone and its opportunity to Hong Kong (發展前海現代服務業合作區 與香港的機遇及思考)”, Bauhinia Forum (紫荊論壇), 1:1-13, Jul 2011 (in Chinese).
Prof. George C. S. Lin, Associate Director
Lin, G.C.S. (2011) “Urban China in transformation: Hybrid economy, juxtaposed space, and new testing ground for geographical enquiries.” The Chinese Geographical Science, 21 (1): 1-16. Beijing: Science Press & Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Lin, G.C.S. and Yi, Francine (2011) “Urbanization of Capital or Capitalization on Urban Land? Land Development and Municipal Finance in Urbanizing China.” Urban Geography, 32 (1): 50-79. Columbia, USA: Bellwether.
Zhou, Y., Sun, Y., Wei, Y.H., and Lin, G.C.S. (2011) “De-centering spatial-fixPatterns of territorialization and regional technological dynamism of ICT hubs in China.”, Journal of Economic Geography, 11 (1):119-150. Oxford: Oxford 4 University Press (No. 1 journal in the geography discipline with the highest citation impact factor in 2010).
Lin, George C.S. (2011) “A Review of The great urban transformation: Politics of land and property in China.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 101 (2): 445-447. 5. Lin, George C.S. (2010) “A Review of Capitalism with Chinese characteristics: Entrepreneurship and the state.” Pacific Affairs, 83 (3): 572-573.
Book chapters
Zhao, X.B., Zhang, L. and Christopher, S. (2011) “China’s emerging financial centers: Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong”, Gateways to Globalization: Asia’s International Trading and Financial Centres, edited by Francois Gipouloux (Routledge).
Conference papers
Zhao X.B. (2011) “The nature of IFC studies and Hong Kong endeavors – Studies for global IFC development and their shifting trend”, Conference paper proceedings, Third Global Conference on Economic Geography 2011, in Seoul, South Korea
Public reports
Zhao, X. B. (2011) “Jointly Development of Qianhai for Hong Kong and Shenzhen’s future (挺進前海 共建未來)” in Chinese, Mingpao Daily (明報), 7/6/2011.
Zhao, X.B. (2011) “The Development of Qianhai would not menace to the merits of Hong Kong’s Central (发展前海不会威胁中环价值)” in Chinese, Shenzhen Special Zone Daily (深圳特區報), 25/1/2011.