Academic Journals
Director, Dr. Simon Zhao
Zhao, X.B., Chan, R.C.K. and Chan, Y.M. (2012) “Spatial Polarization and Sectoral Distribution of Foreign Direct Investment in China 1990-2009”, Geoforum, 43:4, 836-850 (Pergamon: Great Britain). (70%, ISI Citation 2010 Impact Factor 1.88, ranked 12/67 in Geography).
Chan, T.W. and Zhao, X.B. (2012) “Producer Services Industries in Hong Kong and Shenzhen: Struggling for Integration”, Asian Pacific Viewpoint, 53:1, 69-84. (Oxford, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell). (60%, ISI Citation 2010 Impact Factor 0.5, ranked 23/60 in Area Studies).
Zhao, X.B., Chan, Y.M. and Ramón-Berjano, C.B. (2012) “Structural changes and polarizing development of HK industries under the One Country, Two Systems framework”, Chinese Geographical Sciences, 22:3, 302-318(Springer: New York). (70%, ISI Journal, SCI 2010 impact factor 0.65).
Lenzer, J.H. and Zhao, X.B. (2012) “The US Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis: a Painful Lesson from a Geography of Finance Perspective”, Chinese Geographical Sciences, 22:3, 343-355 (Springer: New York). (60%, ISI Journal, SCI 2010 impact factor 0.65).
Lee, K.S. and Zhao, X.B. (2012) “Command and Control Cities in the Global Space-Economy before and after the 2008 Geo-economic Transition”, Chinese Geographical Sciences, 22:3, 334-342 (Springer: New York). (60%, ISI Journal, SCI 2010 Impact Factor 0.65).
Wang, T., Zhao, X.B, Gu, F.F. and Chen, W.Y. (2011) “Power or Market? Location Determinants of Multinational Headquarters in China”, Environment and Planning A, 43:10, 2364-2383 (Pion: London). (40%, ISI Citation 2010 Impact Factor 2.07, ranked 7/67 in Geography).
Wang, D. Zhang, L., Zhang Z. and Zhao, X.B. (2011) “Urban infrastructure financing in reform-era China”, Urban Studies, 48:14, 2975-2998. (30%), (Carfax: London), ISI Citation 2010 Impact Factor 1.51, ranked 6/36 in Urban Studies).
Associate Director, Prof. David Zhang
Harry F. Lee and David D. Zhang (2013) “A tale of two population crises in recent Chinese history”, Climatic Change, 116, 285–308 (Springer: New York).
Qing Pei, Lanlan Liu and David D. Zhang (2013) “Carbon emission right as a new property right: rescue CDM developers in China from 2012”, accepted published for International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, DOI 10.1007/s10784-012-9191-0 (Springer: New York).
Harry F. Lee and David D. Zhang (2013) “Temperature change and natural disasters in northwestern China”, Asian Geographer, 29:2, 89-108 (Routledge: London).
David D. Zhang, Harry F. Lee, Cong Wang, Baosheng Li, Qing Pei, Jane Zhang, and Yulun An. (2011) “The causality analysis of climate change and large-scale human crisis”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, retrieved from doi:10.1073/pnas.1104268108/-/DCSupplemental.
Affiliated researcher
Kim-hung Kwong, Vicky W.K. Chung and Harry F. Lee (2012) “The longitudinal assessment of preventive measures and policies for earthquake disasters in China”, Asian Geographer, 29:2, 109–120 (Routledge: London).
Ernest K.S. Lee, Lincoln Fok and Harry F. Lee (2012) “An Evaluation of Hong Kong's Tropical Cyclone Warning System”, Asian Geographer, 29:2, 131-144 (Routledge: London).
Professional Journals
Director, Dr. Simon Zhao
Zhao, X. B. and Chan, Y.M. (2012) “Structural changes of Hong Kong industries under the One Country, Two Systems and Propositions to the new-term Government (香港產業結構的轉變與「一國兩制」及對新一屆政府的建議)” in Chinese, Bauhinia Tribune (紫荊論壇), 6, 41-51.
Zhao, X. B. and Chan, Y.M. (2012) “The rise and fall of International Financial Centers and its implication to Hong Kong and China (國際金融中心 的興衰與啟示)” in Chinese, Bauhinia Tribune (紫荊論壇), 4, 2-12.
Zhao, X. B. and Chan, Y.M. (2012) “ Direction of China’ s economic transformation: reference from the world experience (世界經驗與中國經濟轉 型的路向)” in Chinese, Bauhinia Tribune (紫荊論壇), 3, 22-39.
Zhao, X. B. and Chan, Y.M. (2011) “China’s urbanization and Hong Kong’s role in the national 12th Five-Year Plan (「十二五」中國城市化新路 向及香港的角色)” in Chinese, Bauhinia Tribune (紫荊論壇), 2, 2-9.
Book chapters
Zhao, X.B., Zhang, L. and Christopher, S. (2011) “China’s emerging financial centers: Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong”, Gateways to Globalization: Asia’s International Trading and Financial Centres, edited by Francois Gipouloux (Routledge).
Conference papers
Director, Dr. Simon Zhao
Zhao X.B. (2012) “Where is the Global Transaction Centre of RMB: Shanghai, Hong Kong or perhaps London?”, Conference paper proceedings, RSA Global Conference 2012, in Beijing, China.
Zhao X.B. (2012) “Competitions of Global Financial Centres and the Rise of Financial Centres in China and Hong Kong”, Conference paper proceedings, Fifth Global Studies Conference 2012, in Moscow, Russia.
Public reports
Director, Dr. Simon Zhao
Zhao, X.B. (2013) Consulting research report on strategic planning for Beijing and peripheral region, Planning Project hosted by Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei provincial and municipal governments, and China Academy of Urban Planning and Design.
Dr. Zhao is also working on a few consulting researches on strategic planning and feasibility studies for various municipalities in China, but unable to disclose any information of the researches under the confidentiality clause until the final report was published.