Refereed Journals
Director, Dr. Simon Zhao
Zhao, X.B. (2013) “Information Exchange, Headquarters Economy and Financial Centers Development: Shanghai, Beijing, and Hong Kong”, Journal of Contemporary China, 22:84, 1006–1027 (Routledge: London; New York). (ISI Citation 2012 Impact Factor 0.79, ranked 12/65 in Area Studies).
Zhao X.B., Lao, Q.H. and Chan, Y.M. (2013) “The Rise of China and Development of Financial Centres in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen”, Journal of Globalization Studies, 4:1, 32-62 (Uchitel Publishing House: Volgograd, Russia).
Professional Journals
Director, Dr. Simon Zhao
Zhao, X. B. and Chan, Y.M. (2013) “The difficulties of economic transformation in Hong Kong towards cognitive economy ( 香港轉型知識經濟的困局)” in Chinese, Bauhinia Tribune (紫荊論壇), 10:7-17.
Zhao, X. B. and Chan, Y.M. (2012) “The contribution and cost of Individual Visit Scheme and its threats and opportunities to Hong Kong (「自由行」的貢獻和成 本與香港發展的機遇和挑戰)” in Chinese, Bauhinia Tribune ( 紫荊論壇 ), 8:45-52.
Associate Director, Prof. George Lin
Sun, Y., Zhou, Y., Wei, Y.H.D., and Lin, G.C.S. (2013) “Subcontracting and supplier innovativeness: Evidence from China’s Information and Communication Technology Industry”, Regional Studies, in print, DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2011.632227 (Routledge: London, UK).
Hu, F.Z.Y. and Lin, G.C.S. (2013) “Beyond state-market connection: Regional institutional milieu and the transformation of state-owned enterprises in Northeast China”, Regional Studies, 47:4, 563-579 (Routledge: London, UK).
Wang, C.C. and Lin, G.C.S. (2013) “Dynamics of innovation in globalizing China: regional environment, inter-firm relations and firm attributes”, Journal of Economic Geography, 13:3, 397-418 (Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK).
Wang, C.C. and Lin, G.C.S. (2013) “Emerging geography of technological innovation in China’s ICT industry: Region, inter-firm linkages and innovative performance in a transitional economy”, Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 54:1, 33-48 (Blackwell: Oxford).
Lin, G.C.S., Yang, F.F. and Hu, F.Z.Y. (2012) “The new geography of information and consulting services in China: comparing Beijing and Guangzhou”, Habitat International, 36:4, 481-492 (Elsevier: UK).
Associate Director, Prof. David Zhang
Pei, Q., Zhang, D.D., Li, G.D., and Lee, H. (2013) “Short- and long-term impacts of climate variations on the agrarian economy in pre-industrial Europe”, Climate Research, 56:2, 169-180 (Inter-Research: Amelinghausen).
Lee, H.F., Zhang, D.D., Brecke, P., and Fei, J. (2013) “Positive correlation between the North Atlantic Oscillation and violent conflicts in Europe”, Climate Research, 56:1, 1-10 (Inter-Research: Amelinghausen).
Lee, H.F. and Zhang, D.D. (2013) “A tale of two population crises in recent Chinese history”, Climatic Change, 116:2, 285-308 (Springer: Netherlands).
Lee, H.F. and Zhang, D.D. (2012) “Temperature change and natural disasters in northwestern China”, Asian Geographer, 29:2, 89-108 (Routledge: Abingdon, Oxfordshire).
Affiliated researcher
Kwong, K.H., Chung, V.W.K., and Lee, H.F. (2012) “The longitudinal assessment of preventive measures and policies for earthquake disasters in China”, Asian Geographer, 29:2, 109-120 (Routledge: Abingdon, Oxfordshire).
Lee, E.K.S., Fok, L., and Lee, H.F. (2012) “An evaluation of Hong Kong's tropical cyclone warning system”, Asian Geographer, 29:2, 131-144 (Routledge: Abingdon, Oxfordshire).
Book chapters
Director, Dr. Simon Zhao
Zhao, X.B., He, Y. and Lee, C. (forthcoming) “Beijing Olympics: Impact on Economic and Urban Development in China”, The BRICS and Sports Mega-Events, published by BRICS Policy Center and Brazilian Sport Ministry, Brazil
Conference papers
Director, Dr. Simon Zhao
Dr. Simon Zhao (2013) “Global off-shore centres and impacts to Asian service centre development: A Comparative Study of Hong Kong’s Offshore Banking and Re-Exportation Industries”, invited paper presentation, International Workshop on creating and capturing value in the next wave of globalization: experiences in (offshore) services production from India, East Asia and Southeast Asia, in Bangkok, Thailand.
Public reports
Director, Dr. Simon Zhao
Zhao, X.B. and Song M.F. (2013) Strategic Development Planning for Zhuhai – Hengqin: Financial Industry and Financial Sub-centre Development Report, Project hosted by Zhuhai-Hengqin Municipal Government.
Zhao, X.B. (2013) Strategic Development Planning for Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei National Capital Region Development, Planning Project hosted by Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei provincial and municipal governments, and China Academy of Urban Planning and Design.
Other intellectual property
(including software, training materials, etc.)
Public Media
Knowledge Exchange-related and affiliated with the Centre's news or interviews (in Chinese) collected from the Wisers platform
Zhao, X.B. (2013) “The Government should exit from the monopolization of business at land primary market (政府應退出壟斷經營土地一級市場)” in Chinese, 21st Century Business Herald (21 世紀經濟報道), 1/10/2013.
Zhao, X.B. (2013) “China’s macro-economic cycles and possibility for financial hard landings”, interviewed and aired on August 21st, 2013 by Swedish Radio:
Zhao, X.B. (2013) “China’s population bonus and manufacturing competitiveness”, interviewed and aired on Feb 2, 2013 by Asia Biz Forecast, NHK World (Japanese National TV):
Zhao, X.B. (2013) “PRD labour cost and manufacturing returning to HK” in Chinese, interviewed and aired by China Business Network TV 上海第一財經電 視 on August3, 2013:
Zhao, X.B. (2013) “Urbanisation in China” interviewed and aired by China Radio International: